We are experienced in both open-source and commercial infrasructure and are uniquely equiped to offer simple solutions in overly-complex environments.
Brief list of services:
- Hybrid-cloud architectures (On-premise + private cloud)
- Network infrastructure (LAN/WAN, SD-WAN)
- Monitoring and alerting (Automated system analytics)
- Intrusion detection (Passive monitoring)
- Web application hosting (Business sites, Ticket Systems, API Integrations)
- Private VPNs (Customized "work from anywhere" solutions)
...and some technologies we use:
- Cisco
- Ubiquiti
- Aruba/HPE
- Fortigate
- ProtectLI
- Kubernetes
- OPNSense
- Suricata
- Proxmox
- VMWare ESXi
- Harvester
- KubeVirt